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personal - GemStone IV diary


Diary - Volume 1Diary - Volume 2Diary - Volume ThreeDiary - Volume FourDiary - Volume FiveDiary - Volume SixDiary - Volume SevenScroll detailing the names of Bremerial's Friends, Foe and acquaintances    

Diary - Volume EightDiary - Volume NineDiary - Volume TenDiary - Volume ElevenDiary - Volume TwelveDiary - Volume ThirteenDiary - Volume FourteenDiary - Volume Fifteen   Ghorsa Borthuum Chronicals

My new torc!

I am not normally one for box founds. However I found a torc in a minotaur box that I will be using for a while.
You hang a bronze and alexandrite torc around your neck.
It increases my influence (INF) stat by two ranks. My magic item use has also been enhanced by two ranks. I suppose these areas of enhancement would better benefit spell casters. However, influence does have an impact on warcries. So I will be wearing it when going out hunting and charging it up in the Adventurer's Guild.

Finally - I can disarm minotaurs

Well at last I can disarm minotaur warriors with less effort. I was having to go after the spell casting minotaur magus. They were a lot easier to disarm but a lot harder to find...having to go through the labyrinth is no easy task. However I find that by removing the left arm of the lesser minotaurs, I can disarm them. And they have the common decency to pick up their weapon which means i can disarm the same minotaur again and again. At age 76 and 46 ranks in disarm I am having about a 30% success rate, which - trust me - was a lot better than before. A little patience and stance dancing and I am managing to disarm relatively effectively.

Lets hear it for Redux..again

Here is the clearest evidence of the benefits of Redux:

In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a grizzled minotaur warrior engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A grizzled minotaur warrior swings a lustrous steel battle axe at you!
AS: +395 vs DS: +157 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +80 = +350
... and hits for 35 points of damage!
Banged your right shin.
That'll raise a good welt.

A grizzled minotaur warrior swings a lustrous steel battle axe at you!
AS: +395 vs DS: +140 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +89 = +376
... and hits for 37 points of damage!
Slash to your chest!
That heart's not broken, it's only scratched.

A grizzled minotaur warrior swings a lustrous steel battle axe at you!
AS: +395 vs DS: +140 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +60 = +347
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Smooth slash to your hip!
Nice crunching sound.

A grizzled minotaur warrior swings a lustrous steel battle axe at you!
AS: +395 vs DS: +135 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +82 = +374
... and hits for 34 points of damage!
Neck vertebrae snap.
You are stunned for 1 rounds!

I had to berserk out of the stun and ring to town but I got to my herbs with 56 health points remaining. OK so I incurred a lot of damage. However can you imagine many other professions hunting in offensive, with no spells, being hit four successive multi-strike times by someone with an AS over 240 point above your DS and still live to tell the tale?

Disarmers Disarmers - my kingdom for a Disarmer

I am having major problems find a disarmer above 51 ranks. It's going to be a stuggle to get the last 11 ranks!


How I hate thieves!
"You notice Albacora reach into your gak wool pouch and remove some acantha leaf!"
Luckily this moron only got my leaf. Just as well i closed all other containers before going to the park for spells.

On the receiving end of a tackle!

[Roll result: 309 (open d100: 186)]
Sleevina hurls herself at you and connects!
Sleevina hammers you to the ground. Ouch. 39 hits! Sleevina quickly jumps to her feet.

Roundtime: 20 sec.

Master at Arms

Well I made it. Master at Arms at last

You are a Master at Arms of the Warrior Guild.
You are current with your dues and must check in again sometime in the next 29 days.
You currently have 372 ranks out of a possible 372 for your training.

You are a Master of Disarm Weapon.
You are a Master of Berserk.
You are a Master of Warrior Tricks.
You are a Master of Tackle.
You are a Master of War Cries.
You are a Master of Batter Barriers

Klidel acknowledges new status

It felt quite good to walk up to Klidel and be greeted this way:
Klidel nods to you and says, "Greetings, Master at Arms Bremerial!"

And of course it felt just as good to have acknowledgement from the other masters.
Khalea greets you warmly and says, "Hail, fellow Master at Arms Bremerial!"

[Diary Book II] - [Diary Book IV]

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