#Automated introduction to Landing Warrior Guild #gldintro.Cmd # If you begin anywhere other than outside the bank then this will not work # USAGE: .gldintro # # Note that this script will allow you to wander about and perform any action you want. # However to continue on the set tour you will have to return to the point from which you started wandering # The script is quite basic at the moment but i will try to imrpove it # Any questions send me an email at opoltd@googlemail.com # Scripting done by Bremerial (http://www.assessrisk.com/personal/gs4_intro.htm) echo echo You MUST start the tour OUTSIDE THE BANK. This tour will take about ten minutes at most. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo waitfor begin put point north move n pause 1 move n pause 1 move n pause 2 put point east pause 2 move e pause 1 move e pause 1 move e pause 1 move e pause 1 move e pause 1 move e pause 1 put lean fort echo ***************** echo This fortress is the entrance to the Warrior Guild. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo *************** waitfor begin put go fort pause 1 put l port pause 1 put tap port pause 2 echo echo This portcullis is the dividing line between guild members and others. There is a plaque beneath the portcullis. When you read the plaque you will see a list of useful names of warriors who can assist you in a number of ways as you progress through the guild. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo waitfor begin put tap plaq pause 2 put action reads the list of names on the plaque beneath the portcullis put read plaq pause 6 echo ************************ echo You have just read the names of those warriors who are active freelance guild masters. Any of these folk can assist ye. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************************ waitfor begin put glance port pause 1 put go port pause 1 move n pause 2 put action glances around the courtyard pause 2 put smile klide pause 2 put l at klid pause 4 echo ******************* echo This is the courtyard where most of the socialising takes place. You will get to know Klidel. She will provide you with your training assignments as you progress in guild ranks. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ******************* waitfor begin put tap plaq pause 1 put action reads the plaque put read plaq pause 3 echo ************* echo This is the warrior oath. It's important. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************* waitfor begin move w pause 1 put tap door pause 1 put tap hedg pause 4 echo **************** echo The doors here are for battering - part of one of the task you will be asked to perform in the future. And the bushes you will be pruning at some point. There are other shrubs and bushes around too, which you will see in the next room. There is a purpose to all this which will become clear in time. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo **************** waitfor begin move s pause 2 put tap pop pause 2 put tap bush pause 3 move ne pause 1 move e pause 1 move e pause 1 put glance sauna pause 2 put glance dumm pause 5 echo ****************** echo The shed will assist you in learning the art of bashing respectively. The dummies are for practicing tackling. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ****************** waitfor begin move e pause 2 put action glances at at Warrior Masters. pause 6 echo ***************** echo These masters you will get to know very well. They will all practice your skills with you and perfect your technique. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ***************** waitfor begin put glance shed pause 2 put glance wheel pause 2 echo *************** echo Use the shed in the future to practice bashing skills and the wheel to practice your disarming skill. You'll be told when you need to come here. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************** waitfor begin move n put action notices a boxing ring in the room pause 2 put glance ring pause 1 put action steps into the boxing ring put go ring pause 1 put read sign pause 5 echo ************* echo If you fancy some boxing, this is the place to come. Be careful though. It is not without risk. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************ waitfor begin move out pause 1 move s pause 1 move w pause 1 move w pause 1 move w pause 1 echo ************ echo Now for the other areas. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************* waitfor begin put glance door pause 1 put go door pause 1 put tap armor pause 1 echo ************ echo You'll be scrubbing this and others like it soon enough. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo *********** waitfor begin move n pause 1 move e pause 1 put tap door pause 1 put go door pause 1 put action smiles and glances around bertrandt's office echo ************* echo Bertrandt is VERY useful to you. He can take your dues, and also promote you from one rank to another. You'll need to ask him what you want. If Bertrandt is not in the room at this moment, then he has gone wandering somewhere, which happens from time to time. Come back and introduce yourself later. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************ waitfor begin put go door pause 1 put glance step pause 3 put action walks up the steps put go step pause 1 put action notices a rack containing various implements. put l on rack pause 4 echo ************* echo The rack says it all.... rags, rakes, shears etc. Be prepared to work in here. To the west there are other ooms for practicing your bashing and berserking skills. Will show you these briefly. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************* waitfor begin move w pause 3 put tap tub pause 2 put go door pause 1 move w pause 2 put tap block pause 3 move e put go door pause 1 move e pause 1 put go step pause 5 echo *************** echo And now for the closing stages of the tour. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ************** waitfor begin put action glances at a set of stairs and wonders where they lead pause 3 put glance stair pause 1 put go stair pause 1 move w pause 4 echo ****************** echo Here is a chamber for berserking skills. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo ***************** waitfor begin move e pause 1 move s pause 5 echo ****************** echo And finally here is Bightroc - who will teach you the art of sheath making when you are ready to learn this skill. TYPE 'BEGIN' TO CONTINUE THE TOUR echo **************** waitfor begin move n pause 1 put go stair move w pause 1 move s pause 1 put go door pause 6 echo ************** echo And that concludes the whistlestop tour. There is much much more to learn... but i'll leave you to discover the rest. Enjoy your skills. Trust me! You will earn every one! You will earn every one! TOUR ENDS echo **************