[Western Harbor, Fishmonger Way] Small and large cottages line the cobblestone street and are surrounded by bright pink dog roses and verdant beach grass. Wrought iron posts, their lamp's glaesine sides glittering in the day's light, mark the entry to each home. One end of the street empties out into a central plaza, while the other culminates in a tiny cemetery ringed by a simple white picket fence. You also see the Bremerial disk. Also here: Zieschka, Boatswain Rendena, Tdem, Boatswain Silima, Boatswain Shannivar, Boatswain Queleri, Great Lady Inurtia, Boatswain Lithyia Obvious paths: southwest Zieschka just arrived. Lithyia exclaims, "Good Morning!" Queleri nods to Zieschka in greeting. Rendena softly says, "Morning." Zieschka exclaims, "Good morning!" Speaking sincerely to Zieschka, Queleri says, "So glad you've invited us all back for tea." You see Zieschka. She appears to be a Dark Elf. She is average height and appears to be very young. She has silver-flecked dark eyes and dusky skin. She has very long, wavy blue-black hair woven into an intricate thirteen-strand plait with several tendrils escaping to brush her shoulders. She has an angular face, a classical nose and angular pointed ears. She is in good shape. She is wearing a herringbone lariat, a paint-smeared oilcloth smock over a thigh-length dark linen tunic, a long flowing ebon linen skirt layered in transparent scarves, and a pair of soft suede ankle-boots. You ask, "Decorating?" You raise an eyebrow in Zieschka's direction. Zieschka says, "Working." Zieschka smiles. You nod. You say, "Oh of course." Zieschka says, "But I thought, since we are casual, it wouldn't be a problem." Speaking curiously to Zieschka, Queleri asks, "How about you show us what you were working on and we call it even?" Zieschka chuckles. Zieschka nods. Zieschka just went through a dainty white stucco cottage. {We all follow through the main door and onto the patio} [Zieschka's Home, Patio] Turquoise and saffron tiles create a checkered pattern through the small patio, which is surrounded by a bounty of brightly colored flowers and oversized plants. White benches nearly disappear in the lush foliage of the tiny garden, while a pair of cupboards rest close to the outer walls of the cottage. A small cooking pit, located directly opposite the cottage's entry, is surrounded by baking bricks and cast iron cookware, each stacked in neat and tidy rows. You also see a polished bamboo and teak cart with some stuff on it and a small white-board shack. Also here: Zieschka, Boatswain Shannivar who is sitting, Boatswain Queleri, Great Lady Inurtia who is sitting, Boatswain Lithyia who is sitting Obvious paths: none Tdem followed. Zieschka walks over to the benches and settles down. Zieschka rummages through a paint-smeared oilcloth smock with a frantic look of loss. Zieschka removes a small parchment portrait from in her oilcloth smock. Zieschka says, "I am working on mini portraits." Zieschka removes a gold-strung oval locket from in her oilcloth smock. Zieschka says, "It was a commission piece." Zieschka says, "Ilsola has been speaking to various dignataries about my talents." Zieschka says, "So I was commissioned based on my talent..." Zieschka says, "Which is unusual." Zieschka says, "Normally, people don't want to deal with me because of my race..." Zieschka says, "She has an interesting approach to things." You take a drink from your orange tea. A bitter twinge of citrus lingers in the background of the tea, subtly masked by a honeyed hint of orange flavoring. Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Certainly a good endorsement." Zieschka nods to you. Zieschka put a gold-strung oval locket in her oilcloth smock. Zieschka put a small parchment portrait in her oilcloth smock. You take a drink from your orange tea. The scent of the tea, warm and distinctly citrus, precedes the actual flavor in a warm breath of steam. Zieschka smiles. Zieschka says, "I'm pleased." Zieschka grins at Inurtia. Lithyia says, "Oh scone, you are delicious." Lithyia says, "They are the best." Zieschka agrees with Lithyia. Zieschka says, "An amazing baker." Inurtia says, "I found the library." Inurtia says, "I'm on my third tome." Zieschka asks, "Which volumes are you reading?" Inurtia says, "Well i've been studying the symbols and meanings." Inurtia says, "I've been having to go over them quite often." Zieschka asks, "Oh, do you mean the tea?" Inurtia says, "Though I've been suprised at a few interpretations." Inurtia says, "Indeed." Inurtia says, "Divination." Zieschka smiles. Zieschka nods. Silima asks, "Tea leavings?" Lithyia says, "She keeps telling me I'm going to meet a handsome giantman..... based on my tea leaves." Lithyia chuckles. Zieschka says, "I don't think I have the appropriate tea for readings." Zieschka says, "I think the volume from the library has the Loenthran translations." Speaking to Zieschka, you ask, "I am interested to know - divinations apart, does tea have it's own language?" Inurtia says, "Bremerial keeps bringing the conversation back to ale." Speaking hesitantly to you, Shannivar asks, "Like flowers do?" Zieschka says, "I'm not sure." Zieschka says, "I mean, I suppose in some of the higher courts, it is probably akin to flower language." Zieschka says, "But I don't know." You nod at Zieschka. Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "That would be something interesting to investigate - perhaps some cultures may have their own beliefs." Zieschka says, "Its possible." Zieschka says, "I just enjoy drinking it, myself." Zieschka pours herself a cup of cranberry tea. Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Well I confess it's growing on me - although I am - forgive me - not too partial to the orange tea." Zieschka says, "I suppose, like anything, it is probably a matter of intent." Zieschka says, "There's alot of poetry out there based on flower language, too." Zieschka says, "Actually, I was speaking with Ilsola...." Zieschka says, "She said that she's been talking to house Aspis...." Zieschka says, "And we may see some entries in the library soon that are from past Bardfest winners." Zieschka says, "She's always looking for donations." Speaking to Lithyia, you say, "I never find the time to do so alas." Lithyia asks, "Too busy drinking?" Lithyia raises an eyebrow in your direction. Zieschka chuckles. Inurtia says, "Queleri has been doing some rather important research lately." Zieschka cocks her head at Queleri. Zieschka asks, "Oh?" Queleri says, "Demonology and Faendryl history." Queleri makes a flicking motion with his hand. Zieschka says, "Interesting." Queleri says, "Or more how the two are so closely linked I think." Zieschka nods slowly. Zieschka says, "So...." Zieschka asks, "The Spitfire?" Zieschka asks, "How has it been?" Lithyia says, "Ooooooo." Inurtia says, "Oh my..." You hold up your hand and tilt it side to side in a so-so gesture. Shannivar says, "Full of halflings, mostly." Lithyia exclaims, "I could swim in my lockers and all of the things I've purchased!" Zieschka chuckles. Inurtia says, "I can't even tell you how many hours I've spent in the sweatshops, people have mistaken me for hired help." Inurtia says, "I've made at least fifty cloaks." Inurtia says, "I wish I was joking." Zieschka chuckles. Silima reaches up with one finger and pushes her spectacles higher on the bridge of her nose. Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "There is a map quest that was most stimulating." Speaking to Zieschka, Shannivar says, "We found bottles full of tiny people." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "And i have come to learn that wandering beneath the ship heavily laden is a sure way to die - twice." Lithyia starts chuckling at you! Zieschka asks, "Did you hear that Ilsola just donated a complete set of the Divination Volumes to the Library there?" Speaking to Zieschka, Silima exclaims, "Did she?!" Silima exclaims, "Oh!" Zieschka nods at Silima. Speaking to Zieschka, Queleri says, "I had not...that is wonderful." Zieschka says, "I mean, Illistim, not Moonstone." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Generous of her." Speaking to you, Zieschka says, "She's trying to cultivate trade between the various cities." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Noteworty cause." You nod at Zieschka. Zieschka smiles. You quietly whisper to Lithyia, "Am finished with the Spitfire - done all I need to." Silima says, "She brought things to the auction in Ta'Illistim." Silima marvels, "I love her outfits, they are ever so exotic." Zieschka chuckles. Zieschka says, "That is Melorna's fault." Speaking thoughtfully to Zieschka, Queleri says, "They are planning a Faendryl Embassy there...It would be wonderful if it could be arranged for you to do a piece for the building." Speaking to Queleri, Zieschka says, "Only if I don't have to be part of the unveiling...." Zieschka says, "But if it was requested of me, I'd be happy to help out." Speaking to Zieschka, you ask, "What is the longest you have ever spent on a piece of work?" You raise an eyebrow in Zieschka's direction. Zieschka ponders. Zieschka bites her lip. Zieschka says, "Oh, a few months, I'd sa." Zieschka says, "It just depends on what it is." You nod at Zieschka. Zieschka takes a drink from her cranberry tea. Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "That must take patience." Zieschka says, "I'm trying to get a guide to take me into the southern wilds." Zieschka agrees with you. Zieschka says, "I would like to make a portrait near the river." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Any chance of some of your work in the museum in Kharam-Dzu? Am sure it would benefit." Speaking to you, Zieschka says, "I don't know.... I haven't really thought about that." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "You should. I'm sure your work would result in more visitors to the museum." Zieschka says, "Museums seem so far off." Zieschka asks, "Have any of you been to the Artificer's Tent?" Lithyia shows Zieschka her delicate seer-stone. Zieschka asks, "Have you heard who the generous patron was?" Inurtia says, "Quite a few lovely jewels." Shannivar looks over at Zieschka and shakes her head. Zieschka agrees with Inurtia. You look at Zieschka and shake your head. Speaking to Shannivar, Zieschka says, "It would seem that they are trying to keep it under wraps..." Speaking to Zieschka, Shannivar says, "But why? You'd think they'd want the recognition." Zieschka says, "That's the straneg part...." Zieschka says, "Ilsola is all about giving credit where it is due." Inurtia asks, "Perhaps they don't want the attention?" Zieschka says, "So she's been a bit upset that she can't." Speaking to Inurtia, Zieschka says, "I think that is it, but...." Zieschka says, "One of the island gardener's was talking to his wife at the fountain." Zieschka says, "That's where the woman do their laundry." Zieschka says, "It has a nice clean spring that it is built over and they perfume it with passion flowers." Zieschka waves her hand in a dismissive gesture. Zieschka says, "Anyway." Zieschka says, "He was telling his wife that Ilsola was very upset and trying to persuade the benefactor into allowing her to give credit." Zieschka says, "But he says that there were only three people in the tent at the time...." Zieschka says, "Ilsola, her attendant...." Zieschka says, "And the Lady Chisma." You say, "Oh." Zieschka asks, "Doesn't it?" Zieschka says, "There's a huge mystery that surrounds Lady Chisma, you know...." Zieschka says, "She returns to Ta'Loenthra about once a month...." Zieschka nods to you. Zieschka says, "There's alot we don't know." Zieschka asks, "I mean, really, when was the last time she opened a shop?" Speaking to Zieschka, Silima says, "Loenthra has some fine textiles." Inurtia says, "The plot thickens..." Speaking to Silima, Zieschka says, "Oh, I don't doubt." Zieschka says, "Her father is a jewelry maker." Speaking to Zieschka, Silima asks, "You do not believe she is setting up a shop?" Zieschka looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs. Speaking to Zieschka, you ask, "Has she not been very forthcoming about her comings and goings?" Queleri leans softly against Inurtia. Zieschka says, "She's vague." Zieschka says, "Polite, but vague." You nod at Zieschka. Zieschka says, "I don't think it is anything nefarious, mind you." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Perhaps the questions need to be a little more probing." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "You have tweaked my interest now..." Zieschka says, "Well, I could'nt be rude, but I did find out that her father isn't just any jeweler." You listen carefully to Zieschka. Zieschka says, "He's the Court Jeweler of House Loenthra." You say, "A lofty position ndeed." You nod at Zieschka. Queleri softly says, "Impressive..." Zieschka agrees with you. Silima agrees with you. Zieschka says, "I'd wager that some of the Lady's that she provides works for know a bit more than they are saying, too." Silima says, "He must be a man of some skill, jewelry from Ta'Loenthra is exquisite." Zieschka agrees with Silima. Zieschka says, "I remember some of his pieces a few years back, the ones released at the Cysaegir festival...." Zieschka says, "They were very nice." Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "Any particular ladys she works for more than others? As you say they may know more." Zieschka says, "Oh, I don't know her patronage list." Zieschka smiles at you. You nod at Zieschka. You say, "Well if you find out any more am sure we'd be interested to know." You say, "Between you, us and the lemon scones." Zieschka chuckles. Zieschka says, "She's a really wonderful woman." . Speaking to Zieschka, you say, "I have no doubt, but we all love a little intrigue.." Zieschka smiles. Zieschka says, "So, I thought, perhaps, I might make a locket for each of you. I think that it will help me get the size down if I can practice." Zieschka asks, "Do you mind?" Inurtia says, "Oh my." Lithyia exclaims, "Mind? We would all be honored!" Shannivar blinks at Zieschka. Lithyia's jaw drops. Zieschka says, "I'll need to get my supplies." Zieschka stands up. You say, "That is kind of you." Shannivar says, "That's.. actually perfect, since I was wanting to have one made for my partner, and wasn't sure how to go about it." Inurtia says, "Indeed." Zieschka asks, "Will you excuse me a moment?" {Zieschka leaves for a moment} Nihrvanah and Misun walk in (Zieschka returns} Zieschka says, "I"m afraid I only brought three lockets.... I have to keep the eighth for my client...." Zieschka says, "Excuse me seven." Zieschka says, "I have seven lockets." Inurtia says, "But there is plenty of tea." Inurtia exclaims, "And scones!" Speaking to Nihrvanah, Zieschka says, "You are welcome to stay and enjoy the company with us, but I fear that I don't have anymore lockets." Misun says, "Pardon my tardiness." Speaking to Zieschka, Nihrvanah says, "Oh, well, I was not expecting a locket to begin with." Zieschka walks over to the benches and settles down. Misun casually glances around the area. Misun nods in greeting. Zieschka folds her hands in her lap. Zieschka says, "I'm embarrassed to say that I only was able to scrounge enough lockets for those that have been visiting with us for the past hour." Speaking to Zieschka, Inurtia says, "I'm sure any new guests understand." Zieschka says, "I do hope you both understand....." Zieschka glances between Misun and Nihrvanah. Nihrvanah says, "Of course." Nihrvanah says, "As I said... I was not expecting anything at all anyway." Misun cocks her head. Speaking to herself, Inurtia says, "Perhaps one more scone wouldn't be completely horrible for my figure..." Zieschka says, "You could swim it off in the eastern waters." You chuckle at Zieschka. Zieschka removes a gold-strung oval locket from in her oilcloth smock. (Zieschka proceded to created sevent individual and personalised lockets for us. We continued to chat whilst she worked, teasing each other and admiring the work created. Until finally the last piece of art was created and we waved goodbye.)