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Assess risk
awardprogram commentary and statistics
"....running an awards program has been one of the most time consuming, frustrating, absorbing, fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable things I have ever done. " Wendy Sears (2005)
The running of the Assess Risk award program became almost a full time job...and an unpaid job at that! Most people who run award programs do so because they love viewing and rewarding the wealth of talent out there in WWW land. However it is not a 100% altruistic undertaking. For every site that is thoroughly reviewed, there is an opportunity for the awards manager to learn something new...some new piece of coding...some brilliantly conceived concept, made flesh....some awe-inspiring design.
And so it was with this Award Program. The interaction between myself as the Awards Manager and other webmasters has provided some invaluable insight into elements of web design.
Perhaps the most valuable part of running this awards program has been the interaction between myself and other awards managers within forums. The wealth of knowledge made available at no cost was and remains staggering. It never ceases to amaze me how some people give selflessly their time, skills, resources and assistance for nothing more than a 'thank you'.
Perhaps one of the biggest disappointments was the clear unwillingness of some applicants to read the criteria prior to applying. This was evident from the applications received. After all, when the program clearly states that it is open to non commercial sites only, receiving multiple submissions from commercial sites is somewhat of a pain in the glutimus maximus.
I can tell you that over 50% of all applicants were disqualified simply because they failed to read the following words stated and reiterated throughout the site: "Applications will not be accepted after the 15th of each month". I mean, c'mon folks! How simple do we have to make our statements!?
I would strongly advise any potential awards applicant reading these words to respect the time and effort of the awards manager by reading the program's criteria before applying for any award. To do any less shows a distinct lack of respect for the awards manager, evaluators and the program itself!
So Why Close This Program?
So why did I make the decision to close the award program? Quite simply, this program had come to the end of it's natural life. I believe that it had reached it's pinnacle. One of the disappointing aspects of the program towards it's latter days was the lack of 'new' applicants.
There was an almost incesstual feel about the program in that is was rewarding and upgrading the same submissions. The quality of those applications was undeniably high, but nevertheless, when a program fails to attract a reasonable number of first time applicants, it is clearly time for it to fade into history.
The Future?
I am extremely heartened by the amazing standard of award programs currently operating and even more excited at the wonderful potential of those programs currently in their infancy. The future is bright for the awards community...of that I have no doubt!
STATISTICS - 21/06/01 TO 12/02/05
A w a r d T y p e
Applicants Gold Silver Bronze Merit Single
1274 012 059 099 027 017
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