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This page has been altered time after time as I begin training and then cease
that training. I have been running half marathons for a while now, with limited success. The
trouble is that I just do not have the dedication to do all the training needed.
I find excuses not to run and use those excuses to explain poor performance. To
add insult to injury, I was injured one week before a half marathon in
having actually undertaken some decent training. That was it! I had decided to give
up running altogether, but
having seen my weight increase from 10 stone 7 to nearly 12 stone over a three year period of total inactivity I decided to give it one last try!! My
goal is to run a half marathon in under 2 hours.
I work about 7 hours 30 minutes per day as a minimum, Monday to Friday so my training will have to fit in with this. I do not drink alcohol
or smoke but have a poor diet, taking every opportunity to snack on crisps and
sweets. Breaking this habit is going to to be one heck of a challenge in
itself. My hope is:
- To reduce my weight by at least 2 stones within the next 9 months!
- To run under 2 hours in the next Stafford Half Marathon - which is in 7 months time - utilizing the training program similar to that located within the Hal Higdon running site.
Bear in mind this is not the log of a super professional Olympic athlete but that of a late 40 something, slightly overweight woman who will record her trials and tribulations as honestly as possible. I'll record successes and failures. Prepare for a laugh, and hopefully cause for a cheer! Details of previous training undertaken has been documented by me.
I am 5 foot 6 1/2 inches and weigh 11 stone 13 pounds, which puts me into the obese
category. That is my starting point. I have purchased a crosstrainer which is
currently taking up space in my bedroom and being used as a clothes hanger. I
have an expensive gym membership which I have not not utilised. Additionally I
became a member of an athletics club and have not attended that club once. I can
no longer - I suspect - run 6 miles in 1 hour, ... possibly I can manage it
in 80 minutes, with some puffing and
panting, stopping and starting. I think I have recovered from an undiagnosed pain on the right hand
side of my left foot which was so debilitating that I was hobbling for a while.
(Time and some considerable pounding will confirm whether my foot has totally
recovered.) Depending on what body
mass index calculator you use, I am overweight. However I am working on how 'I' feel and at the moment
I do not feel comfortable. I believe that reducing calorie intake can help to lose weight, as long as sensible eating
prevails. Therein lies a problem. I love my food. Eating sensibly is going to be
hard. I will try to cut down on sweets and crisps thought and, social event withstanding, I will try to avoid eating after
7pm each evening.
I will be running in a pair of Reebox Premier Ultra running shoes, with a transitional bridge and dmx foam sole for shock
absorbency. Looking at soles it is clear
that I run on the outside of my feet. That may be contributing to the foot problems being experienced.
I will be wearing cotton tee-shirts and trackie bottoms for
any running undertaken outside. However the trackie bottoms will be replaced with loose fitting shorts for gym work. I will carry a water bottle for all training.
I will run with a stop watch to time runs.
Most of the training will consist of running in the morning, which is crucial.
However this will be supplemented with some work in the gym and some combat
aerobic classes which are high intensity. Road running worries me a little as I
tend to run on paving. This is high impact which is risky and probably is the
reason for past injuries. However I hate running on grass or up dirt tracks as I am paranoid about twisting
my ankle. There are three routes I am most familiar with and will combine those routes to create varied flat, hill and speed running. Variety is the operative word
here! In addition I have purchased a cross trainer to add some light training.
And I also have a Davina Macall DVD which I can use on occasion. The only
additional training will involve occasional walking up and down stairs as
additional aerobic exercise. As part of my training regime I do not intend to
log food intake, BUT will keep calories down to below 1500 per day and try to
keep my meals balanced. I know that cutting out snacks and sweets is going to be
impossible to begin with so I will simply moderate what I eat and when I eat it.
This to me is a practical approach.
My progress and personal comments will also be recorded in a
comments about training.
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