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personal - Gemstone IV introduction
I first played GemStone in 1996. In those days the game was accessed via AOL, cost an arm and a leg to play, and was called GemStone III. It's now GemStone IV.
It is less of an addiction and more of a love affair. I just love the game. If you read through
the following information you will see references made in the first and third person.... a clear indication of the
weird, somewhat
schizophrenic relationship I have with Bremerial.
So what is GemStone IV?
" GemStone IV is the current title of a text-based (MUD) real-time online role-playing game produced by Simutronics. Players interact in the fantasy world named Elanthia. Originally called GemStone, the game launched in 1987 on GEnie. GemStone is one of the first MMORPGs and one of the longest running online games. Simutronics has been successful in maintaining high levels of role-play in the game compared to other games in the genre.. " Wikepedia
The purpose of these pages is to record the trials and tribulations of my newest character, Bremerial. I am not a
mechanics guru. I play the game but don't delve 'too deeply' into game mechanics as it makes my head hurt. If the game works, that's good enough
for me. Additionally I will not be recording every minutia of her life.
Instead I will concentrate initially on her guild activities and the adventures
associated with those activities...the friends made, the tasks undertaken
and the creatures defeated in an attempt to become master of all the warrior
guild skills. After that I will record significant changes that impact on
her life as a warrior. I will also try not to regurgitate information retained
within other pages. I see little point in that. Where necessary there will
be suitable pointers to competent sources of advice.
Please note that the information below reflects my beliefs, experiences, competencies - or lack thereof - successes and failures. When reading the information
remember that there is no such thing as the perfect warrior. Perfection is a matter of
individual perception.
About Bremerial
Bremerial is a dwarven warrior.
She was a proud citizen of Wehnimer's Landing for many years but in 5109 she
became a citizen of Kharam-Dzu. She loves the Island life with a passion. She has no romantic affiliations and has no intention of
forming any such attachments... well not yet at least. She has visited
the trainer many times, but her adeptness at her warrior art belies her relative
youth. Born on Niiman, the 25th day of Olaesta, in the year 5074, and therefore
still in her 30's, she is almost a child in Dwarven terms.
She is relatively good natured
for a
dwarf, fairly dedicated to specific tasks without being influenced by
tempting periphery and has a strong sense of justice. Her greatest failing
is her self professed impatience. She is as much of a lady as any ale swigging,
pipe smoking, critter spitting, Sunfisting, claid swinging warrior can be.
Unusually perhaps for a member of the
Kazunel clan,
she has shied away from devotions to Lord Eonak. Instead she is a follower of the lesser
The Huntress, patroness of vengeance and the hunt. Personal tragedy in her young life have lead her down this path.
She loves to hunt,
preferring to hunt alone; but is not reckless in so doing, despite the
encouragement of some of her fellows. That being said she often stands toe to toe - in some cases toe to claw - with her foe slogging it
out. She tends to be less concerned with the wounds attained and more
concerned about her ability to withstand them and to return home
breathing. As a consequence, she rarely escapes a battle without a scratch or ten. It is an occupational hazard
for a warrior of her type, although she has a sneaking admiration for warriors
that apply a more strategic system of hunting that minimises wounds
sustained whilst maximising their attacking effectiveness.
She is dedicated to improving her hunting skills and
sees success within the warrior guild
as the best method of honing her skills. She received her invitation to the Warrior guild approximately six months before Feastday, day 21 of the
month Jastatos in the year 5106. On Tilamaires, day 06 of the month Imaerasta in the year
5111 she joined the house of Helden
Hall. on Niiman, day 7 of the month Lumnea in the year 5112 she became a Master of the Guardian of Sunfist
Brief Description of Bremerial's normal visage
You see Bremerial the Ale Specialist.
She appears to be a Dwarf
of the Kazunel Clan.
She is taller than average and appears to be extremely young. She has faintly lined, deep-set dark eyes
and a healthy vibrance to her sun-tanned skin. She has shoulder length, wiry deep red hair arranged in an
intricately twisted roll at the back of her head and held in place by some grey and blue irregular rocks. The
browned skin of her left temple is marked with a faint, angular scar..
Invariably she will wear her cloak which will hide her features allowing you to see only the following:
You see Bremerial the Ale Specialist.
She appears to be a Dwarf.
It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her cloak is pulled down over her face.
During the Ebon Fest 5110 Bremerial acquired a wrist borne sigil that altered her appearance to
others, and this is the visage she reveals when hunting to fill her enemies
hearts with fear!.
Bremerial's Illusion
She has intermittent flashes of fiery red within deep, dark eyes and dark smoke rising from her black rough-hewn skin. She has waist-length, wild flame-red hair glistening with sweat and forming multiple snakelike tendrils that writhe independently of each other. She has a deeply scarred scale-encrusted face, an ebon beak-like nose and a pair of ears dripping with a thick pungent liquid. A strong wind appears to envelop her body, but although small particles of earth swirl about her, the earth never veers from her dark frame.
Bremerial's Clothing
She is wearing a pair of dwarven hiking boots, an ancient battle-scarred pack reinforced with linked hexagonal pressed invar plates, an oily sweat-stained rag, an appliqued deep-hooded cloak, an elongated willow leaf pouch, a smooth monsoon jasper ring with swirls of cerulean and cobalt, a strapped ankle sheath,
a set of dwarven-crafted armor, a cracked aged glass vial, a vaalin-bound bronze medallion, a furry brown goat pin, a bleached bone armband, a dull iron clasp, a dwarven-style runed baldric slung over her shoulder, a miniature keg-shaped kit stamped with the word 'Reserves' slung over her other shoulder, a frayed leather harness, and a black vaalin-inlaid case.
For battle she carries a 5x battle-marred vultite claidhmore with undead bane. Her body is protected by a set of x7 dwarven-crafted armor which is phenomenally padded against critical blows.
Bremerial extends her thanks to Kadesha who provided her with many wonderful items of her original clothing in 2006.
This was undoubtedly due to the great friendship Kadesha had with
Bremerial's mother and grandmother. "Still wearing the boots!"
When Bremerial first began her training, she had fixed goals. However things alter, sometimes due to experience and sometimes just due to changes in attitude or approach .. or dare she say it .. game mechanics. As an example, Bremerial began as a one handed edged (OHE) weapon and shield user, changing 50 trains later to became a two handed weapon (THW) user. Who'd have thunk it! Nothing is written in stone. Training paths are flexible. And that's the beauty of the game.
Links below have been provided to various sections of this page, due to its length.
- Current Training Path - Two Hand Weapons
- Proposed Post Cap Training Plan
- Pattern of Hunting
- Memorable Moments
- Memorable Quotes
^ top of page
It was the half-elf blademaster Ranil Grinala who was instrumental in Bremerial's change from OHE user to THW user. She simply watched him hunt. That was
enough to convince her to take another path.
Stats at age 76 -
Bremerial (at level 76), your current skill ranks are:
Skill Name
| Ranks
Armor Use...........................| 140
Combat Maneuvers...............| 153
Two-Handed Weapons..........| 156
Brawling.............................| 156
Ambush..............................| 30
Multi Opponent Combat.........| 55
Physical Fitness...................| 228
Dodging.............................| 111
Arcane Symbols...................| 30
Magic Item Use...................| 34
Perception..........................| 75
Climbing.............................| 60
Swimming...........................| 40
Survival.............................| 20
First Aid.............................| 50
These are Bremerial's stats at trainer visit 96
Method of attack:
- Bremerial is a dedicated THW user. However she also uses brawl and unarmed combat (UAC). She does not use a brawl weapon because the only brawl weapon that would interest her would be a katar which would require edged weapon training. She does train in magic item use primarily for defensive purposes. However she will use 'ewave' as part of an offensive strategy. The use of haste imbeds is now pretty much useless for her, since the changes to haste in January 2016.
Training Schedule (information last updated 23.12.16 [dd/mm/yy])
- Armor Use: Train 2x per train. 140 ranks is sufficient to allow Bremerial to wear full plate armor comfortably.
NB: Further information about armor use:
Changes to armor training implemented in March 2009 may make some warriors now contemplate training beyond 140 ranks for plate.
Certainly Bremerial - at her 98th train - decided to plough points into this
area, although this had more to do with the benefits of redux.
Damage reduction (REDUX) is the inherent ability of a character to gain resistance to damage caused by melee attacks through training in certain physical skills
for a
relatively inexpensive amount of points to be honest. However there is now
an additional benefit to continuing to train in the Armor Use skill: For every
50 ranks of Armor Use that a player has above the minimum ranks needed to train
away the (RT) adder for their armor, their armor's Action Penalty will be reduced
by (Armor Group - 1), a maximum reduction of 50% of the original action
There are now also a number of armor training specialisms that are available to warriors. I have provided relevant information. This
was a fantastic innovation when implemented.
Bremerial has opted for level 3 armor reinforcement. [Command = Armor reinf | Visual
Result =You adjust your black armor, reinforcing weak spots.] and
level 5 Puncture protection
. Protecting her armor against
punctures is costing her 16K to allow armor to take 100 puncture hits.
Also she can offer to puncture protect her companions which is an added
- Combat Manoeuvres: Train 2x per train to max.. In very simple terms this training gave Bremerial access to a whole host of skills that assisted her in combat. By her 75 train she had skills in (1) parry mastery - 3 ranks; (2) surge of strength - 5 ranks; (3) Specialization I wspec - 5 ranks; (4) weapon bonding - 5 ranks; (5) combat mobility - 2 ranks; and (6) combat toughness - 3 ranks. After her 85th train she obtained Coupdegrace. However on Volnes, day 31 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5110 ( well into her 100th train) she used her fixskills to dump Coupdegrace in favour of 5 ranks of staggering blow (and 2 ranks of major blow which are needed for staggering blow to work. Addendum: On 04 April 2013 new skills were introduced. Bremerial trained initially to rank 2 of Griffin and prepared to dump staggering blow in favour of 'executioner', which was actually not too dissimilar. The newly added skills have been recorded.
- Two Handed Weapons: Train 2x per train to max. This increases her hitting power (attack strength [AS]) as she trains. [Note that on her 94th visit to the trainer (May 2009) she ceased training in this. This was a temporary cessation to allow her to concentrate on dodge and physical training which had a bigger impact on redux. By her 99th train she returned to THW training. Although THW training may not add as much to redux as other areas of training, there is something impressive about an AS above 600! - with a few enhancives of course]
- Ambush: Train .5x per train (i.e. Once every two trains) to 30 ranks. This assists Bremerial to aim her shots and adds to redux.
Ambush side note
At 77 trains Bremerial removed all ambush training to put the points into
physical training which added more to redux. With the training totally reconverted she noticed that her aimed shots were 'slightly'
less successful. This is not a significant issue at her current age especially
as she uses a claidhmore. However those extra successful aimed shots were VERY useful when younger.
She intends to retrain in ambush sometime after cap (probably after armor
training becomes too expensive) as this is an inexpensive
way to continue to boost her redux.
- Multi-Opponent Combat: Train 2x per train until 55 ranks and then stop. At 96 trains continue again to about 100 ranks. [After 100 ranks MOC will cost too many training points - for Bremerial at least (jumping from 11 to 22 points) to continue immediately.] This training will allow Bremerial to strike three rapid focussed blows at one opponent or four unfocussed blows at three opponents. (55 ranks) The weight of her claid made her think long and hard about this training. (RT of 14 for x3 focused attacks) However, MOC adds to redux and also helps when dealing with multi opponent attacks. Add to this the changes that took place on 27.05.08 (dd.mm.yy) and this have become a very useful tool for her. One final thought - the use quickstrike when striking multiple times - whether focussed and unfocussed - can be useful, although there are some penalties to stamina. Also continuing in MOC post cap is useful when hunting critters like sentrys or Elementals in Nelemar that seem to have an endless supply of blood. 190 ranks allows for 6 focussed strikes which is something to consider. Good training and good armor should offset the risks associated wit long RTs
NB: Update - Bremerial actually attained 90 ranks by her 86th Train. This enabled her to apply 4 focused strikes which helped enormously when hunting in the Bowels. She never used to deploy her unfocussed strikes unless (1) hunting in a group or (2) killing much younger critters - e.g. during a rescue. However she has found this to be a reasonably effective way of tackling multiple attacks from Grimswarm recently (2012) and employs this method more than she originally thought she would. It is risky, as it leaves her vulnerable but it is exciting.
- Physical Training: Train 2x per train until 60th train and then just go hell for leather and max out. Additional training points after 60th train makes this viable. This training is the primary factor that contributes towards her ability to withstand damage. (Damage Reduction aka Redux. The official information about redux can be found - on the official site), although popular opinion is that this information is out of date - (Dec2009) However I have found a compelling explanation on the boards which I have reproduced here in notepad form.) [There is more detailed explanation provided on the players forum which to be honest is way above my head.]
- Dodging: Train 1.5x per train. This is invaluable, given the weight of the armor that will be worn. This training will allow Bremerial to detect and evade blows.
- Arcane Symbols: Train .25x per train until 30 ranks. (Once every four trains). This will enable Bremerial to read scrolls which may be useful for self casting spells. However if you intend to wear spells in certain high-end areas, continue training to 90 ranks (see addendum about spell burst below)
- Magic Item Use: Train .25x per train until 30 ranks. (Once every four trains). Bremerial will be able to use magic items imbedded with spells. However if you intend to wear spells in certain high-end areas, continue training to 90 ranks (see addendum about spell burst below)
- Perception: Train 1x per train forever. This will increase Bremerial's perception of her surroundings - e.g. foraging, searching for hidden openings, skinning, catching thieves etc.
- First Aid: Train 1x per train. Bremerial can eat acantha leaf within 3 seconds and eat blood-stemming herbs within 5 seconds with just 25 ranks. .At 65 she skinned 10% of the mastiffs she killed. She actually ceased training in first aid after 65 visits to the trainer. It was - and is - a decision which is justified still, given the excellent benefits that sigil of mending provides in reducing RT when consuming herbs. It is noticeable that on Teras - as a capped warrior - this skinning ability is sufficient to meet the requirements of the adventurer's guild. However the skins are never worth much in the furriers. NB: In 2013 Bremerial used a fixstats potion. The result was the loss of training points, which meant she had to forego her first aid training entirely. Her use of the Sunfist sigil of mend allowed her to eat hers with minimal rt, but the lack of first aid training screwed up her skinning. She later - much much later - retrained in first aid, maxing in that skill.
- Survival: Train 1x per train. Bremerial's original thought process was to train in this skill for a little while and then remove it and put the points somewhere more useful. At 94 trains Bremerial used fixskill to offload survival training and place the meager points gained into dodge training. Her skinning ability was NOT detrimentally affected. She could skin sufficiently for bounty tasks and sheath making but the skins were not worth that much. However when she was well into her post cap training she trained up to max.
- Brawl: Train 2x per train. Training in this was not for brawling weapon use - which Bremerial personally found great for RP and nothing else - but for Voln Fu. When Bremerial left Voln for Sunfist however, she began to question the need for brawl training. However the introduction of the UAC system made brawling important. She trained in brawling to the max.
- Climbing: Train .33x per train until 60 ranks then stop. 60 ranks equips Bremerial with the skill to climb the toughest of terrains with NO problems.
- Swimming: Train .25x per train until 60 ranks. This is not overkill. To hunt in higher areas - e.g. Temple Nelemar, on Teras Isle - Bremerial needed this to swim the water channel with relative ease. She did try an reduce her swimming training to 45. However she found that 45 ranks was insufficient to guard against death when attempting the swim to the Temple at Teras. A minimum of 60 ranks is recommended. 75 ranks is ideal.
When younger, you may find that you don't quite have enough training points at each level to train as suggested above. Don't worry about it.
This is normal. Get what you can at each level and make the difference up at the next level. For a while you will always be playing
But then you'll realise that the amount of points available to you have suddenly increased and that you actually end up with points
to spare at each level.
You may want to exceed the amounts stated above in MIU and AS. Some higher-level hunting areas... Namely Temple
Nelemar, Teras and Old Ta'Faendryl, Elven Nations.
have a system in place called Spellburst. In simple terms, if you are wearing too many spells, then you can die or
certainly be seriously hurt. So what is too many?
Well you can wear any of your own spells you have learned.
As a warrior it is unlikely you will have your own spells. Beyond that, the number of spell levels you can wear is
believed to be approximately equal to the
number of ranks possessed in each of the following skills combined, and divided by three:
(1) Magic Item Use (MIU), (2) Arcane Symbols (AS), (3) Mana Control and (4) Harness Power. (Warriors are
more likely to have the first two skills, although training in mana control and
harness power does have it's benefits when hunting with waggle fingers and when
hunting in later life - see post cap information below)
So as an example, if I have 40 ranks in MIU and 50 ranks in AS, that is 40 +50 / 3 =
30 spell levels. So someone could cast the following spells on me with no problem: 414
(elemental defence III) 406 (elemental defence II), 401
(elemental defence I), (107) Spirit
Warding II.
That would be 28 spell levels used out of the possible 30. If someone cast strength on me (509), then the wearing of that additional spell could result in physical
damage to me, whilst hunting in the area. However casting 202 (Spirit
Shield) would take me to the 30.
Source 2 | Source 3
^ top of page
What is meant by Cap?
- CAP refers to the highest level that you can attain within the game which is currently Level 100. You can still gain more experience at the level to continue training, but your Level will never exceed 100. At level 100, each 2500 exp gained gains 1 Mental and 1 Physical training point
How is Bremerial Training Post Cap?
This section about post cap training has changed so much over the past
six years. Originally I was interested in trying to attain as many skills as
possible. So I flirted with ranged weapons after acquiring an ebow and flirted with hurled
weapons after acquiring a 10x permablessed warhammer. I also tried using a bandolier. The warhammer and ebow have now been
sold. I have come to the conclusion that
diversification is not the answer for a warrior, unless its for pure RP
purposes. Specialisation is the way to go. Based on the current skills available to her,
and the introduction of unarmed combat (UAC), this (in 5114) is Bremerial's method of
training and plan for future training, post cap. - in the order listed:
- Physical Fitness: Max out (done)
- THW: Max out (done)
- Armor Training: Max out (done)
- Ambush Training: Max out (done)
- Armor Training: Max out (done)
- Harness Power - Max out (done)
- Spiritual Mana Control - 16 ranks (done)
- Elemental Mana Control - 16 ranks (done)
- Brawl Training: Max out (done)
- Multiple Opponent Combat Training: Train to 190 ranks. - (done)
- Dodge Training: Train to 250 ranks. - (done)
- First Aid Training: Train to max. - (done)
- Perception Training: Train to max. - (done)
- Survival Training: Train to max. - (done)
- Spell Training: Train to 107 & 414. - (ongoing)
Training Diversions
Bremerial acquired a self-ammo longbow at the Droughtman Challenge in 5011 and decided to train
in ranged training to utilise the bow. She used fixskills to speed up the
training. It was fun, especially with haste (pre 2016 changes to haste) but it was not as effective as claidh
wielding. She used a fixskills potion to return to her original training
schedule, having acquired a vultite Claidhmore. Being disarmed with the bow
in her hand convinced her to sell the bow, which is what she did.
Additionally the idea of 'hurling' weapons was appealing. Brem
purchased a 10x permblessed returning hammer. She used a fixskills potion to try out this method of attack but
to be honest it was not as fun as she
thought it might be. This weapon was sold.
She had an adamantine tower shield which which she sold.
Shield bash looked quite interesting and she might purchase the shield back in the future to pursue that avenue. This is a low priority though.
Postcap development for warriors
There have been some discussions about the further development of my profession. I
have included some interesting thoughts taken from the town boards. This
mirrors a conversation with a fellow warrior during the East Harbor Festival in 5010.
OPTIONS - and decisions made
- So why not two weapon training?
Bremerial was very much seduced by the notion of two weapon training. The more adventurous side of her could see herself as a plate wearing, two weapon wielding multi-striker with brawling tendencies. However in the final analysis two weapon attacks don't compare favourably with the more brutal and clinical strike from a two handed weapon, especially a claidhmore. Only the use of katars would seduce her to TWC. However she would have to train in TWC and Edged training, which is quite an expensive route to go for what would be a currently unnecessary third method of attack. Perhaps in the distant future this may be an option.
- My big brawl and dodge debate
Bear in mind that this so-called debate was before the creation of the
unarmed combat system in 5112 - (UAC).
Bremerial joined voln and trained in brawl. Then she abandoned her brawl
training. Then she retrained in that skill. Quite simply when she started down the voln
warrior path as a OHE user, brawl was very useful. Kicking
undead saved asking for blesses every 20 minutes. However into her 50th training,
she became a THW user and brawl
training was sacrificed in it's entirety for more dodge training and an
increase in physical strength.
This actually worked very well. And in fact
dodge adds slightly more to redux than brawl. Bremerial could not
use voln-fu of course with no brawl training but she could evade many attacks, take any damage from
blows that snuck through her defences and then
provide the killer blow. So why did she go back to brawl training?
Quite simply because
she maxed on her physical training. Physical training added
considerably to her redux which, in short, meant that she could survive some of the hits
she was taking with greater ease. Therefore she decided that if she could survive the blows,
there was less need to worry about them. So dodge training could be reduced
from 2x per train to 1.5x per train, which freed up training points for brawl
again. She considered that the difference between to contributions made by dodge and those made by brawl to redux would not
be too detrimental to her redux.
(In addition, dodge training was becoming VERY expensive as she got older - 40
training points for 1 more rank...yikes) Reducing dodge allowed her to retrain in brawl, which
gave her a second
method of attack - namely voln fu. (She will not be swinging a brawling
weapon... well not in the near future at least.)
Ironically, after all this analysis of the benefits of Brawl V Dodge, she opted for membership of Sunfist in 2012, which resulted
in her removing all brawl training in favour of dodge training and ambush. And
then ironically, a few months later the UAC system was introduced, making
kicking and punching quite interesting. She is currently retraining in brawl
to be able to punch and kick again.
- Weapon bonding
Weapon bonding wasn't the first thing Bremerial opted for with regard to
Combat manoeuvre (CMAN) training. In fact she opted to go for weapon bonding last.
As a voln brawler, she didn't really need it yet. There were plenty of undead
to keep her kicking away for a good while. However when she needed to concentrate on the living
she attained enough Cman training points to go for weapon bonding.
So why go for bonding at all? Because it's a unique warrior skill that allows a weapon to fly back into
your hand when you are disarmed. Even more than this. If a someone picks up your weapon it will be wrenched out
of their hands and into your own. I have provided two examples - one
when practicing in the guild and another when in the temple on Teras Isle.
Example from Guild
[Roll result: 137 (open d100: 68)]
Duffield swings his crimson vultite maul at your mithril claidhmore and connects!
Your mithril claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 9 sec.
Skiggety picks up a razor-sharp mithril claidhmore.
The mithril claidhmore in Skiggety's hands begins to twist about violently.
Skiggety struggles with it for a moment before it wrenches itself free and flies back to your waiting hand!
Example from Teras Temple
A spectral triton defender swings a lackluster blue steel harpoon at your mithril claidhmore and connects!
Your mithril claidhmore is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 13 sec.
A triton radical drops his bronze scaling fork and snatches up a razor-sharp mithril claidhmore!
The triton radical glances up and down the length of the claidhmore, his dark eyes gleaming.
A triton radical swings a razor-sharp mithril claidhmore at you!
AS: +496 vs DS: +446 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +8 = +87
A clean miss.
The guiding force leaves a triton radical.
A razor-sharp mithril claidhmore tears itself away from the radical and flies back to your waiting hand!
With extreme effort, you beat back the attack with your claidhmore!
A triton radical snatches up a corroded bronze scaling fork!
- Starting Stats and Projected Stats:
[Click graphic above to link to site]
The above were my original starting stats. I confess that I was
always pleased to say that I did not use the stat cruncher above to roll the so called 'perfect' warrior. I did a lot of reading about warriors,
made a decision about what I wanted Bremerial to be and then rolled with that in mind.
I remember writing and saying the words: " She's an individual ".
However I have to admit that after some discussion with others I came to the
conclusion that there was scope for improvement. So I adjusted the starting
stats with the help of a fixed stats potion. I concentrated on two options
Option 1:
CO 49 | DE 70 | DI 69 | LO 88 | IT 73 | ST 31 | AG 74 | IF 62 | WI 62 | AU 82
This would result in 100 point for everything except IF and WI which would be 90 each
Option 2:
CO 50 | DE 70 | DI 69 | LO 88 | IT 58 | ST 30 | AG 74 | IF 74 | WI 77 | AU 82
This would result in 100 point for everything except IF and IT which would be 90 each
I chose the first option.
- Spelling Up for Training and General Spell Use
Bremerial can hunt without spells thanks to REDUX. However she is not stupid enough to turn them down if offered. Of course spell burst (see earlier) restricts the spells she can now wear on Teras. However my advice is to get all you can if game mechanics permit and unless it conflicts with role playing.
Wizards are currently (2007) selling spells for 10-15K and free spells are to be had in the Park in the Landing.
You will find that in places such as Teras, The Rift and - I assume - Elven
Nations, spells will not be traded, but rather, given freely.
Also never underestimate the benefits to be gained from potions sold at events. It is much easier
to quaff a potion than to remove armour to self cast using a scroll. Additionally, Bremerial would highly recommend the use
of ewave imbeds, which when used tactically, can assist in the battle against those pesky critters.
- Unarmed Multistrike - introduced in Phoenatos in the year 5115
Unarmed combatants may now initiate unarmed multi-strike attacks, provided that they have sufficient training in the Multi Opponent Combat skill. Training thresholds are identical
to melee multi-strike requirements for both unfocused (multi-target) and focused (same-target) versions. Such strikes are initiated with the MSTRIKE verb, specifying the type of unarmed
attack desired, as in "MSTRIKE GRAPPLE" or "MSTRIKE KICK [target]". Use MSTRIKE HELP for more information and additional usage options.
However, the specified attack is not necessarily used on each individual strike. Instead, the following rules are used for each strike in sequence; the first one on which
the conditions are met determines the type of attack.
1.) If a tier-up strike is pending against the target, use that type of attack.
2.) If the attacker currently has decent ("tier one") positioning against the target, use JAB. If this is the first jab against this particular target during this
MSTRIKE invocation, it does not count for the purposes of total allowed strikes.
3.) If the attacker has good ("tier two") positioning against a target, use the attack type that was specified at the start.
4.) If the attacker has excellent ("tier three") positioning against a target, use the attack type that was specified at the start, unless the specified attack type was
JAB, in which case choose a random attack from PUNCH, GRAPPLE, and KICK instead.
Related to this release, the ASSESS verb has been updated to list your unarmed position against all foes in the area, via ASSESS UNARMED.
^ top of page
Bremerial's pattern of hunting
Areas hunted from 1st to 100th training
- Train 01 - 05: Rats in catacomb; Mummies in Graveyard
- Train 06 - 09: Thrax and Manticore on Old Mine Road; Death Dirge in Graveyard
- Train 10 - 18: Tombwight and Wraith in Graveyard
- Train 19 - 20: Arch Wight in Graveyard
- Train 21 - 24: Zombies in Potters Field; Tree Spirits
- Train 25 - 29: Moaning Spirits in Secluded Valley
- Train 30 - 38: Storm Giants in Glatoph, Pookas, Miners in Shadow Valley; Stone Gargoyles in Darkstone Outer Ward
- Train 39 - 41: Storm Giants (as above - mainly to bond with weapon and for guild warcrying purposes), Skeletal Lords, Phantasm in Castle Varunar
- Train 42 - 47 : Kiramon Worker, Kiramon Defender, Sentinel, banshee in Darkstone
- Train 48 - 54 : Sentinel in Darkstone, Stone Trolls and Stone Giants in Stone Valley
- Train 55 - 67 : Troll Kings, Harbingers in Darkstone, Stone Mastiffs, Illoke Mystics & Shaman in Stronghold
- Train 68 - 69: Illoke Mystics & Shaman in Stronghold; Raving Lunatics & Naisircs in Rift
- Train 70 - 75: Krag Yeti; Krag Dwellers on Upper Krag Slopes; Minotaur Warrior; Minotaur Magus on Hidden Plateau; Raving Lunatics & Naisircs in Rift
- Train 76 - 78: Minotaur Warrior; Minotaur Magus on Hidden Plateau; Raving Lunatics & Naisircs in Rift; Greater Krynch & Earth Elementals in Thanatoph Bowels
- Train 79 - 83: Caedera, Vvrael Witches, in Rift; Greater Krynch, Illoke Elder & Greater Earth Elementals in Thanatoph Bowels
- Train 84 -88 : Aivren, N'ecare, Vvrael Warlock in Rift; Greater Krynch, Illoke Elder, Jarl & Greater Earth Elementals in Thanatoph Bowels
- Train 89 - 92 : Lost Soul in Rift; Jarl & Greater Earth Elementals in Thanatoph Bowels; Water Elemental in Teras.
- Train 93 - 100 : Sirens, Executioners, Combatants, Defenders and Radicals in Teras.
- Train 100+ : Defenders, Radicals, Greater Water Elementals, Triton Magus, Ethereal Triton Sentry on Teras. [NB: Hunting sentrys will continue to be the biggest challenge but has become easier with the improvement to MOC training. Sentry hunting is definitely helped with cman whirling dervish, a good blessed weapon, the element of surprise, feint and of course a lot of spiritual spells!]
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First Death and Raise
Rather embarrassingly Bremerial bled to death, age 10, having come back from a successful hunt in the Graveyard.
She sat at Voln resting
and forgot to get her chest wound tended.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
Guenhafyr raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Guenhafyr gestures at you.
Guenhafyr suddenly looks very drained.
You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
You feel the touch of the hand leave your soul.
First Notable Act of Kindness
The dark elven archwizard High Lady Sairai provided Bremerial with x3 brig on 24th April 2006. The first
truly altruistic act encountered in the lands. My thanks
Sairai. Your generosity is appreciate by myself and many others in the
[Sairai (subdued)]: "Free gifts to those who aren't yet a lord or lady: 1x:brig, fulls, magenta wood runestaff;
3x: thick ivy-wrapped staff. Ttm if in need or want of such."]
First mass spells
Ihston is the leader of your group.
Bromeus is also a member of your group.
Dungath is also a member of your group.
Amberain is also a member of your group.
Lodyn is also a member of your group.
Bafere is also a member of your group.
Liaro is also a member of your group.
Matreem is also a member of your group.
Manferd is also a member of your group.
Sidway is also a member of your group.
Apen is also a member of your group.
Kiarhu is also a member of your group.
Kisanthra is also a member of your group.
Ihston traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Ihston gestures.
Your form blurs.
First Cleric to bless my weapon
The cleric Guenhafyr freely blessed Bremerial's sword on multiple
occasions without complaint. In fact she was the first to do so.
Name: Guenhafyr
Profession: Initiate
Race: Giant Gender: Female
Clan: Wsalamir Clan
First 'out of my depth' Moment
There is no doubt that there will be many times in Bremerial's life where she
will be overwhelmed by numbers of the enemy, or by the strength of just
a single opponent. However this was the 'first' such moment. She decided to wander to Varunar before
she was really old enough.
Today is Restday, day 29 of the month Jastatos in the year 5106. It is 12:44 by the elven time standard. It is currently afternoon.
You also see a skeletal lord.
You drop to your knees in utter despair! Overcome by the foul stench of pure evil emanating from the skeletal lord, your arms fall slack at your sides
and feel your limbs slipping away as an utter and complete fear seizes a suffocating control of your mind and body!
A skeletal lord thrusts with a splintered lance at you!
AS: +274 vs DS: +151 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +80 = +236
... and hits for 77 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
You are knocked to the ground!
You are still stunned.
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 123 - FD: 75 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 27 = 98
Warded off!
You slowly regain control of your senses, wiping the tears from your eyes and the drool from your mouth.
symb of return
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .
Definitely brown trousers time. Will leave Varunar for a while!
First death from a box
You bash at the fel chest with your red brick.
Splinters fly as you hit it for 36 points of damage!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Suddenly, a sturdy fel chest gives off a loud sizzle, and explodes in a bright flash!
Being closest, you take the brunt of the blast!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to your abdomen!
You are stunned for 3 rounds!
The chest's casing is blasted into hundreds of tiny flechettes!
You are severely perforated!
... 10 points of damage!
Well aimed shot almost removes an eye!
... 30 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in left arm!
... 25 points of damage!
Shot knocks your head back by pushing on the inside of the skull!
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
Your corpse is struck by flechettes!
Dozens of flechettes fly off to the north!
Dozens of flechettes fly off to the east!
Today is Niiman, day 2 of the month Eoantos in the year 5106. It is 02:14 by the elven time standard. It is currently after midnight
First major gem found
Today is Volnes, day 20 of the month Eoantos in the year 5106.
You punch with an acid-etched vultite katar at an ice troll!
AS: +263 vs DS: +96 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +91 = +287
... and hit for 57 points of damage!
Pierced through neck, a fine shot!
The ice troll cries out in cold agony one last time and dies.
The powerful look leaves an ice troll.
The light blue glow leaves an ice troll.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
You skinned the ice troll, yielding an ice troll scalp.
You search the ice troll.
It had 236 silvers on it.
It had an uncut diamond on it!
Interesting, it carried a blue crystal on it.
It had nothing else of value.
An ice troll turns to slush, leaving nothing behind.
You put an acid-etched vultite katar in your spidersilk harness.
You pick up an uncut diamond.
You kiss an uncut diamond
You put an uncut diamond in your ebony cloak.
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First resuced person
Today is Feastday, day 23 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5106
Bremerial rescued her first person today. For more details read my log.
First death of hunting partner where I am leading
Today is Niiman, day 28 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5106
A spectral miner eyes flare with evil red light!
A spectral miner swings a mining pick at Krowlvict!
AS: +346 vs DS: +227 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +71 = +221
A layer of shifting stone shatters!
... and hits for 66 points of damage!
Wild downward slash severs Krowlvict's right foot!
Bloody stump, anyone?
Krowlvict screams and falls to the ground grasping his mangled right leg!
He is stunned!
A spectral miner eyes flare with evil red light!
A spectral miner swings a mining pick at Krowlvict!
AS: +346 vs DS: +172 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +91 = +296
... and hits for 104 points of damage!
Right eye ripped from head, along with most of brain.
* Krowlvict drops dead at your feet!
Double Whammy! First witness to arrest and collateral box damage
Today is Restday, day 31 of the month Eorgaen in the year 5106
Wolenthor settles into the difficult task of picking the lock on a battered iron coffer.
You hear a snap and then Wolenthor mumbles some unprintables.
Suddenly, you hear a sound like shattered crystal and a bright reddish-brown light flashes from the lock mechanism!
Wolenthor is engulfed by the light!
... 20 points of damage!
Good blow to right arm!
He is stunned!
A wave of russet ethereal ripples moves outward from a battered iron coffer.
Persoma is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!
She is stunned!
Divious is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Blow to back removes the spinal column!
* Divious drops dead at your feet!
Someone screams, "Murder by Wolenthor! Call the town constable!"
You are buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
... 30 points of damage!
Hard strike to your left leg breaking tendons and bone!
You are stunned for 6 rounds!
Wolenthor is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 10 points of damage!
Light strike to chest.
Kyrstynn is buffeted by the russet ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.
... 50 points of damage!
Massive blow to chest collapses sternum!
She is stunned!
A nearby goodwife screams, "Endangering public safety!"
Most 'dramatic' death
Today is Volnes, day 28 of the month Ivastaen in the year 5107
[Darkstone, Dungeon]
Fragile curtains of sticky cobwebs brush across your face and cling to your skin as you move through this passage.
The floor is damp and rotting, laced with patches of blue-black mold and covered with decaying carcasses,
including that of a rodent, whose open eyes still gleam evilly even in death.
You also see a banshee, a banshee, a stone sentinel, an empty cell and a rusted iron door.
Obvious exits: east
Round 1
A stone sentinel opens its mouth and spews out a shower of stones at you.
You are hit by a stone.
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to your back connects lightly.
You narrowly miss being hit by a stone.
You are hit by a stone.
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes your left leg.
You narrowly miss being hit by a stone.
You are hit by a stone.
... 5 points of damage!
Blow to your back connects lightly.
You are hit by a stone.
... 7 points of damage!
Blow grazes your left leg.
You are hit by a stone.
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to your head breaks your cheekbone.
You are stunned for 1 round!
You are hit by a stone.
... 5 points of damage!
Strike glances off your chest.
You are hit by a stone.
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to your left leg.
You are still stunned.
Round 2
A stone sentinel opens its mouth and spews out a shower of stones at you.
You are hit by a stone.
... 15 points of damage!
Nasty blow to your chest!
You are stunned for 1 round!
You are hit by a stone.
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to your head breaks your cheekbone.
You are hit by a stone.
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs one of the fingers on your right hand.
You are hit by a stone.
... 15 points of damage!
Nasty blow to your back!
You are hit by a stone.
... 5 points of damage!
Strike hits close to your right eye making you flinch!
You are hit by a stone.
... 10 points of damage!
Light blow to your back.
You narrowly miss being hit by a stone.
You are hit by a stone.
... 5 points of damage!
Stubs one of the fingers on your left hand.
You are hit by a stone.
... 25 points of damage!
Strong blow breaks your neck!
The dim aura fades from around you.
The misty halo fades from you.
You feel the extra courage wane.
You become solid again.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The layer of protection fades away.
The powerful look leaves you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You notice your blood flow go back to normal.
The feeling of vulnerability leaves you.
You lose your extra internal fortitude.
The light blue glow leaves you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 16 mins...
Redux - enough said!
Today is Niiman, day 3 of the month Lormesta in the year 5108
Redux is a wonderful thing! I was hunting in Stronghold with no spells and in offensive stance when....
A stone mastiff claws at you!
AS: +315 vs DS: +162 with AvD: +7 + d100 roll: +4 = +164
... and hits for 5 points of damage!
Thrust slides along the back.
Cuts a nagging itch.
Without redux I would have almost certainly been dead.
Most methodical death by bandits!
Today is Day of the Huntress, day 13 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5110
A half-elven mugger leaps out of his hiding place!
A half-elven mugger swings a broadsword at Silversoft!
AS: +420 vs DS: +342 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +75 = +186
... and hits for 51 points of damage!
Strong slash to Silversoft's right leg!
Muscles exposed!
Not a pretty sight.
Silversoft screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
She is stunned!
A human robber leaps out of his hiding place!
A human robber swings a mace at Silversoft!
AS: +427 vs DS: +327 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +35 = +164
... and hits for 39 points of damage!
Whoosh! Several ribs driven into lungs.
You remove an oaken wand from in your blackened parka.
You wave your oaken wand at Silversoft.
1d100: 94 + Modifiers: 254 == 348
The glazed look leaves Silversoft.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A human thief leaps out of his hiding place!
A human thief swings a bastard sword at Silversoft!
AS: +419 vs DS: +285 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +63 = +225
... and hits for 71 points of damage!
Silversoft twists away but is caught with a hard slash!
Back is broken!
She is stunned!
A half-elven mugger slips into hiding.
A half-elven bandit leaps out of his hiding place!
A half-elven bandit swings a mace at Silversoft!
AS: +453 vs DS: +282 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +92 = +292
... and hits for 108 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.
* Silversoft drops dead at your feet!
First sentry bounty completed
Today is Feastday, day 5 of the month Olaesta in the year 5114
Out of the corner of your eye, you see an ancient triton sentry approaching. She must be the creature that you've been tasked to kill!
[Roll result: 183 (open d100: 87) Bonus: 3]
You feint high, the triton sentry buys the ruse and twists awkwardly to block the blow that never came!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You are still a bit winded from your last flurry of attacks, but you focus to push the strain in your muscles from your mind.
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing a battle-marred vultite claidhmore at an ancient triton sentry!
AS: +636 vs DS: +447 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +21 = +242
... and hit for 97 points of damage!
Attack whistles right through the lower back encountering little resistance!
The guiding force leaves you.
** As you hit, the edge of your vultite claidhmore seems to fold inward upon itself drawing everything it touches along with it! **
... 10 points of damage!
Misjudged timing.
You barely catch the triton sentry in the back!
You swing a battle-marred vultite claidhmore at an ancient triton sentry!
AS: +561 vs DS: +444 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +98 = +247
... and hit for 100 points of damage!
Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
You swing a battle-marred vultite claidhmore at an ancient triton sentry!
AS: +561 vs DS: +441 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +98 = +250
... and hit for 106 points of damage!
A massive blow to the right shoulder hoists the triton sentry high into the air.
It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.
You swing a battle-marred vultite claidhmore at an ancient triton sentry!
AS: +561 vs DS: +438 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +32 = +187
... and hit for 86 points of damage!
Strong hit to the chest!
Tendrils of mist explode as the strike passes right through.
[You have completed this portion of your Adventurer's Guild task.]
The triton sentry emits a hollow scream as ribbons of essence begin to wend away from her and into nothingness!
The bright luminescence fades from around an ancient triton sentry.
The deep blue glow leaves an ancient triton sentry.
A shadow seems to detach itself from an ancient triton sentry, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around an ancient triton sentry.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around an ancient triton sentry.
An ancient triton sentry glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Quotations and memorable micro-incidents
- Today is Feastday, day 28 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5110.
Speaking softly to Prikto, you say, "Am assuming people always call you by your full name."
- Today is Restday, day 17 of the month Lormesta in the year 5110.
Storven recites: "Yas don't need coins, I'll send runners. Coins is a pain in the posterior."
Speaking softly to Storven, you say, "Hope the runners can swim - my bank's on Teras Isle."
Cromir starts chuckling at you!
Bolvyne starts chuckling at you!
Storven starts chuckling at you!
Cryheart chuckles.
- Today is Volnes, day 11 of the month Lormesta in the year 5110.
You are a ghost! You must wait until someone resurrects you, or you decay. Either way, it won't be long now!
Speaking softly to Matthosa, you exclaim, "I love radicals... I love radicals .. I do, I do, I do, I do!"
Matthosa chuckles.
Speaking to Matthosa, Nali says, "Somehow.. I don't believe her."
- Today is Day of the Huntress, day 1 of the month Lormesta in the year 5110.
A small voice somewhere nearby declares, "MORE ALE!"
You softly exclaim, "Whoever shouted 'More ale' I want to get to know you better!"
Grolschin suddenly fades into view. Grolschin grins at you. Grolschin exclaims, "Was me!"
You softly say, "Man after m'own heart."
Grolschin says, "I'm a woman."
Pogy squeakily exclaims, "Hah, even Dwarves can't tell!"
- Today is Niiman, day 23 of the month Koaratos in the year 5109.
Agarnil Kris mumbles, "Quit your whining, Bremerial! Just lie down and I'll get around to ya when I'm ready for ya!".
You softly say, "You must have been a barrel of laughs on your honeymoon."
- Today is Feastday, day 18 of the month Koaratos in the year 5109.
Speaking quietly to you, Jodeco says, "I don't often get a chance to raise dwarves, and I hope we don't make it a
habit in your case.
You softly say, "If it helps just think of me as a fat elf."
Jodeco smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.
- Today is Niiman, day 5 of the month Charlatos in the year 5109.
Seamusian waves at Oeath and invites him to come sit at this table
Oeath arrives at your table
Oeath says, "Whoops - I was Trying get to the sea table
Oeath snickers.
Seamusian says, "That's so funny.
Oeath waves.
- Today is Feastday, day 28 of the month Fashanos in the year 5109.
You put a razor-sharp mithril claidhmore in your spidersilk harness.
You softly say, "Sitting here with my weapon in my hand. How rude of me"
GameHost Blatt says, "That is quite allright. You couldn't manage to hit me with it anyhow!"
Blatt winks.
You chuckle.
You softly say, "Now there's a challenge."
GameHost Blatt exclaims, "And I hear Darkis offers a load of silver for GameHost scalps!"
You snicker.
- Today is Tilamaires, day 26 of the month Phoenatos in the year 5108.
[Warrior Guild, Courtyard]
Also here: Badat, Neebyter
You softly say, "Would ye believe most of my weight is in my pack... i'm like some tortoise, carrying the world and it's mother in my back."
You softly say, "Need to get more locker space."
You softly say, "Or marry someone with more locker space."
You softly say, "Oooo you two look single." You glance at Neebyter and Badat
You rub your chin thoughtfully. You try hard not to grin.
Neebyter chuckles.
Neebyter says, "I am."
Neebyter says, "But mi'lockers full."
Badat chuckles.
Badat says, "Mine too."
You softly say, "Whoa you two are too quick on ye feet there."
- Today is Volnes, day 25 of the month Lumnea in the year 5107.
The ghostly voice of Jarrsick quietly says, "Drat it all.
You bash forearms with Jarrsick in greeting.
Speaking softly to Jarrsick, you exclaim, "Hey Jarrsick - the sign of a great warrior - bashing forearms even in death!!"
- Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Lormesta in the year 5107.
Kipa turns towards you and renders you a sharp salute with her pruning shears.
Kipa asks, "Oops, shears ruin that huh?"
- Today is Restday, day 7 of the month Lormesta in the year 5107.
Bremerial says, "I've just noticed, I've been hunting with a leg missing."
Burak says, "That's when you know you're really tough!

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