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personal - Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong Tour - 2012

Picture of maori

In 2012 I celebrated my birthday with my best friend Jabeen by travelling to Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong. This was my first proposed trip to this part of the world and to be perfectly honest I wasn't relishing the amount to time that I knew we would have to spend on the plane. However this was an opportunity I could not pass up. In addition this addressed two of the issues on my bucket list

The trip was scheduled to take place from 27 March to 10th of April. The central core of the trip would be spent in the north island of New Zealand on an organised tour. However, this would leave us with two days of touring in both Singapore and Hong Kong where we would be left to our own devices.

I travelled armed with a guide book for New Zealand and Singapore but apart from some half remembered pieces of information from minor internet research, I didn't have much information about Hong Kong. We were going to have to wing it.
I was determined to take as many pictures as possible to record the trip and I took my trusted DSLR with me. One of the interesting aspects of the trip was that I celebrated my birthday in three different countries due to the change in time zones.

Travel Details

If some of the travel times seem a bit odd it should be remembered that this is probably due to the time differences between different countries.


I took a large number of photographs during this trip as you can imagine.

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