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personal - GemStone IV HIGHMAN GAMES 5010


- Ebon Gate 5109 -

- Krystanne's and Caleanon's Wedding 5109 -

- Highman Games 5110 -

- Grawood Festival 5110 -

- Mist Harbor Eastern Harbor Street Festival 5110 -

- Ebon Gate 5110 -

- Zifku's Vodka Drinking Game 5111 -

- Droughtman's Challenge 5111 -
             Challenger's view
             Best Heckles
             Key Moments

- Mist Harbor Anthem Ceremony 5111 -

- Ebon Gate 5111 -

- Ebon Gate 5112 -

- The wedding of Erienne and Nordred -

- Highman Games 5113 -

- Gweniveer and Japhrimel Wedding 5113 -

- River's Rest Pickle Festival 5113 -

- River's Rest Pickle Festival 5114 -

- River Rest Pickle Festival 5115 -


Jirkirl's Hilltop held its annual competition of strength, skill, and feats known across the lands as the Highman Games. The organizers opened their fairground gates to visitors from most corners of Elanthia from day 3 of the month Fashanos to day 9 of the month Fashanos in the year 5110. This year in honor of the Sunfist Pact, dwarves were invited to participate. I took the opportunity to visit.

Highman Games Map - Copyright @ Simutronics 2010

Opening Ceremony

I confess that I had fully intended to make my way to the opening ceremony for the Highman Games. However  I had had a particularly hard day at the forge and quite simply fell asleep. However Lord Frorin was kind enough to recount the ceremony details. 

[Jirkirl's Hilltop, Gathering] - Leyan, day 3 of Fashanos
You see: Griva, Highman Keffan, Azaton, Barundar, Lord Renaden, Olgretien, Cathlyn, Corlyne, Eugenides, Great Lady Rendena, Ranad, Cappyn, Kasia, Protector Misun, Guarrin, Eleighna, Sir Morgiest Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

Keffan exclaims, "Hail and well met!"
Keffan smiles.

A pair of bagpipers, one male and one female, step up onto a nearby hillock. In response to a nod from Keffan, they take up their chanters and begin to play. The music is both cheery and mournful, uplifting and haunting. The reverberating sound cuts through the chill air, stirring the surrounding mists.

Keffan nods.
Keffan smiles.

Keffan recites:
"Highmen of the T'kirem, stand and be recognized!"

Keffan strides a few steps forward. All through the crowd, Highmen proudly step forward and form a line on the north side of the path.

Keffan recites: "Shantira of the T'kirem, stand and be recognized!"

More people rustle in the crowd, and the Shantira step out, equally proud. They align themselves along the south side of the path.

Keffan nods to the two long lines of Kindred.
Keffan says, "I stand with ye, my brothers."

Keffan smiles.
Keffan turns to the crowd.

Keffan recites:
"Welcome ta the Highman Games of 5110, here on Jirkirl's Hilltop! As ye may or may not know, this is a recurrin competition that has been goin on fer many, many years."
Keffan flashes a wide grin.

Keffan recites:
"Fer a long time, only the Kindred of the T'kirem competed, primarily those of the Highman an Shantira tribes. Eventually, other Kindred heard of our event an came ta join us. Our festival grew an we gained many friendships, as well as new understandin of each other."

Keffan recites:
"This year, in honor of Sunfist, we've invited our longtime friends and allies, the dwarves, ta join in the official competition. We hope this friendly bit of rivalry will enhance our relationship an understandin of the dwarves as well."
Keffan nods to Griva. Keffan smiles. Griva nods.

In the distance, the music of the twin bagpipers echoes through the hills.

Keffan recites:
"We've also decided ta open the games ta more people. While we've had spectators in the past, they've mostly been our own Kindred. We trust that ye will find the games entertainin, if nae edifyin."

(Morgiest applauds tha dwarves present)

Keffan recites:
"Until the actual competition starts, we'll be openin up the various game grounds fer all our guests ta try. Some are still under construction, an we do nae want any of ye gettin hurt, so we'll open them up as they become fit fer use."

The bagpipes grow silent, then start again with a new melody. The tempo pulses, regular as a heartbeat, as a bold marching tune fills the night.

Keffan recites:
"In addition ta the competition games of Caber Toss, Drinkin, Hammer Throw, Shantira Shield Slalom, an Tug of War, we have Arm Wrestlin available at the Hairless Rolton, an Challenge arenas off ta the northwest."

Keffan recites:
"You'll find a merchant shop or two here, also. The wares may be limited, but ye should find them interestin. There's even a Ikkarrak reader who'll use the Vision Stones to divine yer future."

Keffan grins. Keffan recites:
"There's good food an drink to be found at our two taverns, although we're havin a bit of a labor problem at the moment. I'm sure it will be resolved soon. If ye stop by the Hairless Rolton, be sure ta take time ta speak ta Rafyrt. He's been here a long time an has much ta say."

Keffan coughs.
Keffan clears his throat.

Keffan recites:
"Now, I'll turn the preceedings over ta my friend Griva, who'll be speakin fer the dwarves."

Keffan turns to face Griva. Griva starts chortling.
Griva grunts in greeting.
Keffan bows to Griva.

Griva recites:
"Greetings, muh dwarven brethren and everyun else. It be an honor dat I speak on behalf of dwarves everywhere in welcoming ya to dese here Highman games, sponsored by dese here giantmen."

Griva points at Keffan. Keffan chuckles.

Griva recites:
"While we dwarves din't first get along with da giants, we've become good allies wit each udder ever since Sunfist. Sure, da first time we saw dem, we din't know what ta make of dem cuz dey looked funny! But after we got ta know dem, dey be pretty funny, especially when dese drunk!"

Keffan gazes up into the heavens.
Keffan starts chortling.
Morgiest mutters highmen.
Griva makes a drinking motion.
Griva grunts.
Keffan chuckles.

Griva recites:
"Since I'm a goot ole dwarf, I know when ta shut up. I'll leave ya folks with few last words. Let's try not ta show up da tall folks too badly now, it's dere games. Have fun!"

Griva lets out a cheer!
Keffan applauds Griva.
Keffan chuckles.
Keffan turns to face the crowd once more.

Keffan recites:
"Shortly after the end of this ceremony, we'll be openin up the North Gate of the grounds so ye can get ta the Caber Toss. The Challenge Arenas are already open, as are the taverns where ye will find Arm Wrestlin and the Drinkin Game."

Keffan recites:
"Announcements will be made as other games are opened up fer ye."

Keffan motions the crowd to silence, then nods to two giantmen standing off to the side.

The taller of the pair rolls a barrel marked "XXX" into a depression behind the podium, then steps back. The other giantman hands his torch to the first and raises the maul he had been holding.

With a mighty swing of the oversized hammer, the barrel is smashed, and liquid gushes into the shallow pit. The two giantmen grin widely, take several steps backward, and the torch is tossed into the liquid. With a loud WHOOMPH, the liquid ignites, forming a huge flame. Cheers and howls erupt from the crowd!

Keffan throws his head back and howls!
Keffan grins.
Griva lets out a cheer!

Keffan recites:
"We hope ye will all have a grand time here with us. Let the games begin!"

Jirkil's Hilltop

On Niiman, day 4 of the month Fashanos in the year 5110, I made my way excitedly through the Icemule's west gate and through a series of curved white arches. I was immediatey taken into a transportation room that was stranger than anything I had ever seen before.

[Transport, Oval Room]
The compartment of this small, white, egg-like device is just large enough for a single passenger. Traveling in relative silence, as if thrown from its point of origin, the conveyance is completely opaque, except for a transparent panel in the floor. Though thick and quite solid, the crystalline floor allows a clear view of the landscape below. Affixed to the wall near the entry, a small golden sigil, made up of several conjoined gears, intimates gnomish origin.

Within several moments I was on Jirkirl's Hilltop, Meadow, peering at an enormous boulder bearing an uncanny resemblance to a frog wearing a hat. I had made it. Now it was time to explore. I wandered around, taking in all the sights and sounds and inspecting every minute details of the landscape for fear of missing something important. Esalran and Renaden were the first folk seen during my initial explorations. On the medaow were a succession of tents selling ribbons, armband, weapons, clothing and armor. One of the disappointing things at this point was the lack of ale.

I noticed a group consisting of Lord Arianiss, Alifair, Devilslove and Lord Farliegh wander into a a two-story building and I followed after them, finding myself in the Hairless Rolton Tavern! Alas this tavern sold no ale, much to my disgust!

As I turned eastward within the building I noticed a sign:

In the Common language, it reads:

If ya want to arm wrestle someone, just JOIN 'em and go to it!
Ya can PULL, PUSH, LEAN, or TWIST ta best yer opponent.
If ya want to stop wrestling, LEAVE or CANCEL the match.
Management is not liable for any injuries, but if ya break up my bar, ya gonna have to pay the damages!

An arm wrestling match was already in progress.

Arm Wrestling

Devilslove shifts her weight to the left, spreading her base out a little more.
Farliegh asks, "Feel the burn?"
Farliegh grins.
Attempting to throw Devilslove off balance, Arianiss pulls his fist.
Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.
Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Attempting to throw Arianiss off balance, Devilslove pulls her fist.

Devilslove shifts her weight to the right and a slow smile appears on her face.

Devilslove twists her wrist, causing Arianiss's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Arianiss twists his wrist, causing Devilslove's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

You glance at Devilslove.
You glance at Arianiss.
Devilslove shifts her weight to the left, spreading her base out a little more.

Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.

You softly say, "Who to bet on. Who to bet on?"
Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

You scrub your hand through your shoulder length deep red hair in frustration.

Alifair grins at you.
Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Arianiss shifts his weight to the right.

Devilslove twists her wrist, causing Arianiss's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Arianiss shifts his weight to the left and uses his body weight a bit more effectively.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Alifair says, "Evenly matched."
Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.

Devilslove shifts her weight to the right and a slow smile appears on her face.

Farliegh says, "Its lookin close."
Farliegh agrees with Alifair.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Attempting to throw Arianiss off balance, Devilslove pulls her fist.

Speaking softly to Alifair, you say, "Lets tickle one."

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage..

Alifair flashes a quick grin..

Farliegh starts chuckling at you!.

You grin.
Arianiss twists his wrist, causing Devilslove's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Devilslove twists her wrist, causing Arianiss's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Devilslove shifts her weight to the left, spreading her base out a little more.

Attempting to throw Devilslove off balance, Arianiss pulls his fist.

Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Devilslove twists her wrist, causing Arianiss's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Devilslove shifts her weight to the right and a slow smile appears on her face.

Arianiss shifts his weight to the left and uses his body weight a bit more effectively.

Devilslove pushes up on Arianiss's hand, trying to regain the advantage.

Farliegh says, "Basicly i got here when they were discussing the games."
Arianiss twists his wrist, causing Devilslove's wrist to bend at an uncomfortable angle.

Arianiss pushes down on Devilslove's arm, forcing him closer to the table.

Arianiss pins Devilslove, winning the match!

Farliegh grins at Arianiss.
Farliegh says, "Down she goes."
Arianiss exclaims, "My arm!"
Alifair says, "Good match."
Arianiss whines.

I made a mental note to try some arm wrestling at some point during the day and bade farewell to the group. I remembered one of the tents where a silver-shod grey vultite awl-pike was being sold for 98K. I made my way to the tent and completed the purchase of this item, knowing full well that it would take me a year to be able to use it properly for at least a year.

I continued to wander from tent to tent, listening to shoppers as they shared experiences and described their intentions for the games.

Cyrroc says, "I grabbed half a mil and hit the portal."
Ariak says, "Not really. Lots of neat stuff, nothin real useful for me yet though."
Cyrroc grins.
Ariak chuckles.
Ariak says, "I got 25k to me name."

I followed the sounds of cheering and made my way through a gate that led to the caber toss field.

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